How to do a Page

With WordPress, the main difference between posts and pages is that posts will go on the front page in reverse chronological order (newest first) as an item while pages need to be linked from a menu or a link of some sort.

This is a page, so you need to figure out a logical way to link to the page and a logical way to move from the page to other pages.

Log into WordPress

On the right, there’s a menu. Put your pointer over Pages and select Add New

You start with a title, something like “Minotaur Patrol”.

For this kind of item (list of Scouts), you want to make a table with 3 columns: name, rank, position

At the “Type / to choose a block” you want to press “/”. Table might not show up as an item, so press “t”

Next you need to select the number of columns and rows you want:

You enter 3 for column count and the number of Scouts in the patrol plus 1 for the header. Before you start adding names, the table should look like this:

You can click on the

to Edit Table, meaning adding or removing columns and rows.

Next you need to add a reasonable link (or two or three) at the bottom. For now, type in “About Troop 351” and select that with your pointer.

Click on the 

to make it a link and

and then type in “ab” to bring up the “About Troop 351” page:

Press enter to make it a link.

Press “Publish” in the top right and double-check your settings. Then press “Publish” again to make it go live on the website.

How to do a Post

Using WordPress